- Protect the rights and welfare of the student scientist
- Protect the rights and welfare of any human participant
- Ensure adherence to federal regulations
- Ensure use of safe laboratory practices
- Protect the environment
- Determine eligibility for competition in The Academy of Science - St. Louis Science Fair
The parent and teacher supervising should use their best judgment to ensure the safety of the student and any subjects (human or other animals). Parents and teachers assume responsibility for the safety of the student and any test subjects involved in the project. If there a question about the eligibility of a project that the text below does not address, then the rules default to the ISEF rules and guidelines and will require pre-approval by The Academy of Science - St. Louis Scientific Review Committee (SRC).
Please Note: There are limitations on what types of projects can be done in a home environment. Projects involving Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents MUST NOT be conducted in a home environment and there are more strict guidelines for vertebrate animal projects conducted in a school/home/field site.
Students entering The Academy of Science – St. Louis Science Fair may NOT also enter a Science Fair in a neighboring community. For example, if you enter The Academy of Science – St. Louis Science Fair, you may NOT also compete in the Mastodon Science fair or other science fairs.
Students may only submit 1 project to The Academy of Science – St. Louis Science Fair.
A maximum of two (2) Academy of Science – St. Louis Science Fair students may work together on any one (1) project. Any award funds that are allocated to a team project will be evenly distributed between teammates. Teachers may submit a class project for grades K-4. Class projects for grades 5-6 may be submitted with pre-approval. For class projects, the teacher can facilitate the project in class, via Zoom, or their online platform.
Each project is required to have at least 3 sources or works cited. No specific format is required. Students may use "My Teacher" as one of their 3 sources. Kindergaren-2nd grade students may also use, "My Parent/Guardian/Caregiver" as one of their 3 sources.
IMPORTANT! – Do NOT start your research project until:
- You have completed a Research & Safety Plan and your project has been approved by your teacher- SAMPLE RESEARCH & SAFETY PLAN
- The Academy of Science - St. Louis Science Fair 2025 Safety Form is completed and signed. CLICK HERE TO PRINT OUT SAFETY FORM (worth 10 points)
The above steps must be completed BEFORE you begin your research.
You will need to upload all required ISEF forms as determined by the ISEF Rules Wizard. The ISEF Rules Wizard has been designed as a first step to help you determine what forms and approvals are necessary BEFORE beginning your science fair project. Some projects will require addtional forms, but ALL projects require:
Research Plan/Project Summary (Page Two of Form 1A) A short description of your research and the steps that you will take to complete your research including all safety precautions.
Each project may only cover research done over a maximum of 12 continuous months between February 15, 2024 and February 15, 2025. We are NOT allowing continuation projects from previous research. See questions to be addressed below:
- What is the question or problem being addressed and the expected outcome?
- Describe in detail the method and procedures, including all safety precautions. Include all procedures to be used for data collection and if engineering project, for building your prototype.
- Identify any potential risks and safety precautions to complete the project safely.
- Teacher or parent oversight. Who will be supervising your project? (Parent/Guardian, or your Teacher)?
- What procedures are in place for safeguarding confidentiality?
- Describe how you will inform participants about the purpose of the study and what they will be asked to do.
Teachers- Review each student's Research & Safety Plan and 2025 Safety Form. Feel free to make a copy of this Research Plan Template and distribute to your students. If you have questions, ask the student for clarification. For approval, teachers need to be certain that the student can perform research and experiment safely. Send email approval to student or sign the Safety Form for student to upload when they upload their project.
Parents- Review Research & Safety Plan and Safety Form. Parent or teacher must agree to be present and supervising during experimentation or prototype development/building. Sign Safety Form for student. Students will need to upload their completed and signed 2024 Safety Form, or a screenshot of a teacher email approval, when they upload their project.
All science fair participants must follow safety procedures while conducting their research, and the project itself must conform with Fair safety standards. You may need to submit a Risk Assessment form to the Academy Scientific Review Committee if you are working with mold, bacteria, fungi, or potentially hazardous biological agents (see below).
- ALL projects require teacher and parent/guardian approval before students may begin.
- ALL projects require a completed and signed 2025 Safety Form. (Worth 10 points!)
- Students will scan and upload their signed Safety Form when they upload their project.
Projects that handle, test, or sample bacteria, mold, fungi, or potentially hazardous biooloogical agents can be submitted with pre-approval by The Academy of Science - St. Louis Scientific Review Committee (SRC). For pre-approval, please complete this Risk Assessment Form to submit your project idea for review. For a list of Mold/Bacteria/PHBA studies that DO NOT require prior Academy SRC approval, CLICK HERE. Email your completed Risk Assessment Form to
You may want to reference pages 15 - 21 (Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents Rules and Hazardous Chemicals, Activities or Devices Rules) of the ISEF International Rules and Guidelines for Affiliated Fairs for information on what is considered a PHBA. If it is determined by the Academy SRC, or if you are aware, your project contains a PHBA, you will be required to fill out a Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents Risk Assessment Form (6A).
- Projects studying bullying/depression/anxiety will NOT be allowed.
Instead, student may submit a research literature review paper where students can study RELIABLE DATA. NO SURVEY OR INTERVIEWING of students will be allowed regarding bullying/depression/anxiety. Please Note: Research Literature Review Papers are not appropriate for students entering the Academy's Honors Division, and are not eligible for competition in the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair. - No projects allowed that can cause potential harm to humans.
- Human subjects (and parents for anyone under age 18) need to sign a Human Informed Consent Form (i.e.,-permission form) – (see sample)
- Students with projects involving humans need to include the following in their research plan-
- What procedures are in place for safeguarding confidentiality?
- Describe how you will inform participants about the purpose of the study and what they will be asked to do.
- Students with projects involving humans will need to include a sample of their human consent form with their logbook. (See Sample Human Informed Consent Form)
No animals (this includes invertebrates) should be harmed or caused pain.
Projects will NOT be allowed that handle, test, or sample viruses. If a student is interested in studying viruses, they may instead submit a research paper by studying reliable data from university labs, the CDC, or other scientific entities. NO testing of water fountains, door handles, cell phones, etc., will be allowed.
Projects will NOT be allowed that handle, test, or sample fire (or burning objects) or hazardous materials. If a student is interested in fire or hazardous materials, they may submit a research paper where students can study reliable data from university labs, the CDC, or other scientific entities.
Students participating in the General K-12 fair may NOT handle power tools. (Power tools may be used in a project if handled by parent or teacher).
NO experiments will be allowed using firearms or projectile weapons. No guns or firearms or bow and arrows of any kind. No Nerf guns or Nerf bow and arrows. No slingshots.
NO experiments will be allowed using firearms. No guns or firearms or bow and arrows of any kind. No Nerf guns or Nerf bow and arrows. No slingshots. Experiments using prescription drugs, illegal drugs, or alcohol will NOT be allowed.
Safety glasses must be used for any experiments if any kind of splash or particles may come in contact with your eyes.
Contact your school science teacher or email us at