General Information
The Academy of Science- St. Louis Science Fair is free and open to students in Grades K-12 in the St. Louis Region (St. Louis City and St. Louis County). Students are recommended by their schools for participation in The Academy of Science - St. Louis K-12 Science Fair.
For more than 70 years, the Science Fair has been an amazing science catalyst for students in kindergarten through high school. Under the leadership of the Academy, hundreds of educators, scientists, and science advocates work year-round to bring science inquiry to life for thousands of students in the St. Louis area participating each year in the regional Science Fair. School districts select their top student projects and submit them to the Academy's regional fair.
The Bayer Fund and Boeing continue their tradition of supporting scientific learning and discovery by sponsoring the Academy's annual science fair.
For 2025, the Academy’s general K-12 science fair will continue to be an online eFair with easy instructions for teachers, students, and parents. The Honors Division Fair is also an eFair in 2025 with an in-person poster presentation component for division finalists in February 2025. We plan to return in person in 2026.
In order to participate in The Academy of Science - St. Louis Science Fair, you will need to:
Ensure Your School is Registered |
Schools participating in the K-12 Fair in April must be registered by the extended school registration deadline of midnight, Friday, March 7, 2025. Each school that plans to send projects to The Academy of Science - St. Louis Science Fair must register. If you do not know if your school is registered, please speak with your science teacher.
For high schools with students participating in the Honors Division, schools must register by noon, Monday, January 27, 2025, and Honors Division participating students must register by noon, Friday, January 31, 2025.
Work Safely |
All science fair participants must follow safety procedures while conducting their research, and the project itself must conform to Fair safety standards. See the Rules and FAQs page and the Project Requirements page for a complete list of guidelines.
- ALL projects require teacher and parent approval before students begin.
- ALL projects require a completed and signed 2025 Safety Form. (Worth 10 points!)
- Students will scan and upload their signed safety form when they upload their project.
Enter Your School Fair |
Your school will hold its school science fair where projects will be selected to compete at The Academy of Science - St. Louis K-12 regional Science Fair. If your school does not hold their own science fair, consult with your science teacher on their selection process for entering the Academy Fair. Students are allowed to enter just one project in The Academy of Science - St. Louis regional K-12 Science Fair.
Register Project |
Student Projects must be registered by noon, Monday, April 14, 2025 (at the latest | This is also the deadline for uploading student project files). Honors Division Projects must be registered by noon, Friday, January 31, 2025. Honors Division Projects must first be registered for the K-12 regional Fair before registering for the Honors Division.
Each school that registers for The Academy of Science - St. Louis Science Fair will need a school password to be used by their students when they register their projects. Students receive their school's password from their science teacher. Students who are going on to compete in The Academy of Science - St. Louis K-12 regional Science Fair need to register their project online after receiving the school password from their teacher.
Teachers must register their school between Monday, November 4 and the extended deadline of midnight, Friday, March 7,2025. Schools have a limited number of projects they are allowed to enter in the Academy's regional fair.
- Password: If your school selects your project to compete in The Academy of Science - St. Louis regional Science Fair, your teacher will provide you with a school password which you will use to register your project.
- Student Project Registration for the K-12 Division Fair is open thru noon, Monday, April 14, 2025. Honors Division Project Registration is open thru noon Friday, January 31, 2025.
Students registering projects need the following information: - School Password
- Student Name
- Home Contact Information
- School Name
- Project Title
- Project Type
- Project Grade Level
- Project Category
- Email Address
Project Upload
All K-12 general Fair projects need to be uploaded by noon, Monday, April 14, 2025. Honors Division projects need to be uploaded by Friday, February 7, 2025.
NOTE: ALL PROJECTS MUST BE UPLOADED. THERE ARE NO PROJECTS AT QUEENY PARK THIS YEAR. Do NOT include student, teacher, or school names on the project, logbook, or quad chart.
Awards |
Close to $40,000 in scholarships and awards are presented to students with top competing projects!
- Awards will be mailed to the address that the student used when they registered.
- Ribbon placement certificates are emailed to the email address the student used to register their project.
- Check the Home Page of the website on Wednesday, May 6, 2025, to see ribbon placement and awards announcement.
Find Out How to Sponsor a Special Award! |
Questions or Feedback? |