Helpful Links for Students, Teachers, and Parents

Helpful Links and Resources

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In addition to hosting The Academy of Science - St. Louis regional K-12 Science Fair and its Honors Division, Academy initiatives include accessible science programs for students, adults, teens, and families such as the Junior Academy of Science for students in grades 6-12, Teen Science Cafe, The Academy of Science - St. Louis BioBlitz, STEM Career Explorations for Students, Science for the Public Seminars and Seminar Series, and the STEM Teens Leadership Council.

Visit The Academy of Science - St. Louis Resource Page


Affiliated Fairs and Competitions:


ISEF 2023 weblog w JIC

Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) - The Academy of Science - St. Louis Science Fair is affiliated with the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair. The top two or three Honors Division students (Grades 9-12) from The Academy of Science - St. Louis Science fair will be invited to attend and compete in this international science fair all expenses paid. The ISEF website includes helpful tips for all.

Thermo-Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge - Formerly the Broadcom MASTERS Competition. Thermo-Fisher Scientific will be the new sponsor of the middle school competition starting in 2023.

Other STEM Competitions:

Bonnie Cabbage Program - 3rd Grade Cabbage Program - a program with a mission to inspire a love of vegetable gardening in young people, teach kids where their food comes from, and grow our next generation of gardeners. Students have the chance to win $1000 for the best cabbage.

Rise Program - Society for Science is proud to partner with Rise, alongside Schmidt Futures and the Rhodes Trust, to find brilliant people who need opportunity and support them for life as they work to serve others. The program starts at ages 15–17 and offers access to benefits that last a lifetime including scholarships, mentorship, access to career development opportunities, funding, and more as Global Winners work toward solving humanity’s most pressing problems. The competition is a 100 day challenge open from October 18, 2022- January 25, 2023. 500 Finalists are chosen in June 2023 to advance to Finalist Days. 100 Global Winners are selected late 2023.

Regeneron Science Talent Search:  Regeneron STS has identified future leaders in STEM since 1942. High school seniors living in the United States, and US citizens living abroad, who have completed independent research projects are encouraged to apply online for the chance to win up to $250,000!

Helpful Links:

Dragonfly TV - Science Ideas from PBSkids - follow students (video) through their science project investigations

Edutopia - Ideas for educators including:  project-based learning  - a dynamic classroom approach in which students actively explore real-world problems and challenges and acquire a deeper knowledge.

Engineering Games and Projects from TitleMax - Engineering information and games

Florida Polytechnic University - High Schooler's Guide to Preparing for an Engineering College.

Geo awesomeness - a blog about geospatial technologies:  gis, maps, location-based apps, drones and remote sensing.

iNaturalist - citizen science featuring environmental observations - connect with nature!

Library Science Degrees Online - Information on Library Science Degrees and how to ensure libraries are diverse, equitable and inclusive

Mad Sci Network - the laboratory that never sleeps - Scientists providing answers to your questions.  Includes archives of over 36,000 answered questions at your fingertips!

MySci - Equips elementary school teachers with instructional materials and professional development opportunities in STEM.

National Center for Science Education - Classroom science resources for teachers including lessons on climate changes

Polymer-Search - The internet search engine for rubber & plastics - Top Science Project Ideas

Raspberry Pi Foundation- Teach, learn and make with coding! Free coding resources for students and teachers!

Science Buddies - Looking for inspriation for a science fair project? Over 1,150 project ideas.

Science Fair Central - built by The Home Depot and Discovery Education.  Project Ideas, Project Steps, Presentation Tips

Science Farily Simple - You Tube Videos  & Facebook page for Parents & Students to encourage science fair participation for students especially in grades K-5.

SciTech Now - nineNetwork of Public Media - St. Louis based video archives exploring scientific developments, research, innovations and inventions in St. Louis and around the world.

Science - nineNetwork of Public Media - St. Louis-based science programming

The Internet Public Library - Science Fair Project Resource Guide - includes getting started, choosing a topic, completing the project and displaying your project - lot's of ideas.

The National Energy Education Development Project - for educators - innovative curriculum materials in energy education for teachers  from the primary grades through college - includes student guides with printable data tables and worksheets.  Specific topics:  forms of energy, renewable and nonrenewable sources of energy, electricity, efficiency and conservation, and transportation.

The National Science Digital Library - An online library for those interested in STEM education and research

Twin Cities PBS - Twin Cities Public Television includes science links.

USGS Education - Earthquake prediction, myths; seismic waves and more.

Zooniverse - authentic research projects for classroom integration and at home - for students and educators - explore galaxies, the surface of the moon, the SErengeti and more, students and teachers can join in citizen science on-line research.

Guest Blogs from Scientific American:

The Anatomy of a Science Fair Project

3 Strategies for an Original Science Fair Project


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