Project Categories

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Select one category that best relates to your project! 


Animal Sciences (ANIM)
This category includes all aspects of animals and animal life, animal life cycles, and animal interactions with one another or with their environment. Examples of investigations included in this category would involve the study of the structure, physiology, development, and classification of animals, animal ecology, animal husbandry, entomology, ichthyology, ornithology, and herpetology, as well as the study of animals at the cellular and molecular level which would include cytology, histology, and cellular physiology.

Behavioral and Social Science (BEHA)
The study of cognitions (thought processes), emotions, behavior, and/or learning of humans and animals. BEHA may include the study of individuals, groups and/or cultures through observational and experimental methods. Behavioral Neuroscience, Development, Cognitive Psychology, Social Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology are subcategories.

Biochemistry (BI)
The study of the chemical basis of processes occurring in living organisms, including the processes by which these substances enter into, or are formed in, the organisms and react with each other and the environment. Any project that focuses on the chemistry of life processes such as respiration, photosynthesis, enzymes, diffusion, or similar projects. The study of chemical processes, including interactions and reactions, relevant to living organisms.

Biology (BL)
The study of living organisms. Biologists study the structure, function, growth, origin, evolution and distribution of living organisms.

Biomedical and Health Sciences (BMED)
This category focuses on studies specifically designed to address issues of human health and disease. It includes studies on the diagnosis, treatment, prevention or epidemiology of disease and other damage to the human body or mental systems. Includes studies of normal functioning and may investigate internal as well as external factors such as feedback mechanisms, stress or environmental impact on human health and disease.

Biomedical Engineering (ENBM)
Projects that aim to improve human health and longevity by translating novel discoveries in the biomedical sciences into effective activities and tools for clinical and public health use. Bi-directional in concept, projects can be those developed through basic research moving toward clinical testing (bench-to-bedside) or projects that provide feedback about the applications of new treatments and how they can be improved (bedside-to-bench).

Cellular and Molecular Biology (CELL)
This is an interdisciplinary field that studies the structure, function, intracellular pathways, and formation of cells. Studies involve understanding life and cellular processes specifically at the molecular level. Projects that deal with Cell Physiology, Cellular Immunology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, and Neurobiology are examples.

Chemistry (CH)
The science of the composition structure, properties, and reactions of matter. The study of the separation, identification, and quantification of the chemical components of materials. For example the Ph of household substances, controlling rate of reaction, producing a desired substance.

Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (CBIO)
Studies that primarily focus on the discipline and techniques of computer science and mathematics as they relate to biological systems. This includes the development and application of data-analytical and theoretical methods, mathematical modeling and computational simulation techniques to the study of biological, behavior, and social systems.

Computer Science (CS)
The study of information processes, the structures and procedures that represent processes, and their implementation in information processing systems. It includes systems analysis and design, application and system software design, programming, and datacenter operations. Including: Algorithms, Databases, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Communications, Computational Science, Computer Graphics, Computer System Operating Systems, Operating Systems.

Dental (DL)
Study of dental health. Projects include toothpaste studies, teeth whitening studies, dental practices, etc.

Earth & Environmental Sciences (EAEV)
Studies of the environment and its effect on organisms/systems, including investigations of biological processes such as growth and life span, as well as studies of Earth systems and their evolution.

Earth and Planetary Science (EA)
Study of sciences related to the planet Earth. Geology, mineralogy, physiography, oceanography, meteorology, climatology, geography, atmospheric sciences. The study of planets or planetary systems and the solar system. The study of the earth's structural features as related to plate structure, plate movement, volcanism, etc.

Embedded Systems (EBED)
Studies involving electrical systems in which information is conveyed via signals and waveforms for purposes of enhancing communications, control and/or sensing. Examples include projects on Circuits, The Internet of Things, Microcontrollers, Networking and Data Communications, Optics, Sensors, and Signal Processing.

Energy: Sustainable Materials & Design (EGSD)
Studies/processes involving the production and/or storage of energy. This includes studies involving using biological processes to produce sources of energy such as in microbial fuel cells, algae, biomass, fossil fuels and waste; the study and design of photovoltaics, including components such as collectors, concentrators, photoconductor composition and spectral sensitizers; the study of battery and storage cell composition and design; studies involving the generation of electricity from a static charge, electrolysis reaction and charged particles; and projects that focus on Wind and Water Movement Power Generation, Hydrogen Generation and Storage, or Thermal Generation and Design.

Engineering: Electrical and Mechanical (ENEM)
The application of scientific and mathematical principles to practical ends such as the design, manufacture, and operation of efficient and economical structures, processes and systems. Includes Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Robotics, Thermodynamics.

Engineering: Materials and Bioengineering (ENMB)
The application of scientific and mathematical principles to practical ends such as the design, manufacture, and operation of efficient and economical machines and systems. Subcategories include: Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Processing, Materials Science. Includes: designing bridges, roads, water supply, flood control. Includes projects with construction materials, for example concrete. Includes Environmental Engineering, or the application of engineering principals to solve practical problems in the supply of water, the disposal of waste and the control of pollution.

Engineering Technology: Statics and Dynamics (ETSD)
Studies that focus on the science and engineering that involve movement or structure. The movement will be a result of forces; the structure will be stable due to the equilibrium of forces. Subcategories include, Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computational Mechanics, Control Theory
Ground Vehicle Systems, Industrial Engineering-Processing, Mechanical Engineering, Naval Systems.

Energy: Sustainable Materials and Design (EGSD)
Studies involving using biological processes to produce sources of energy such as in microbial fuel cells, algae, biomass, fossil fuels and waste. The study and design of photovoltaics, including components such as collectors, concentrators, photoconductor composition and spectral sensitizers. The study of battery and storage cell composition and design. The application of engineering principles and design concepts involving hydrogen production, optimization, and storage for energy production. Studies of generation of power from geothermal and other thermal sources, design, and processes; and studies involving the generation of electricity from a static charge, electrolysis reaction and charged particles.

Energy and Transportation (ET)
The study of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, clean transport and alternative fuels. Subcategories include: Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering (the design of aircraft and space vehicles), Aerodynamics, Alternative Fuels (including electricity, hythane, hydrogen, natural gas and wood), Fossil Fuel Energy (including hydrocarbon deposit, such as petroleum, coal, or natural gas), Vehicle Development, Renewable Energies (including solar and wind). Vehicle Development - engineering of vehicles that operate using energy other than from fossil fuel.

Environmental Engineering (ENEV)
Studies that engineer or develop processes and infrastructure to solve environmental problems in the supply of water, the disposal of waste, or the control of pollution. Subcategories include Bioremediation, Land Reclamation, Pollution Control, Recycling and Waste Management, and Water Resources Management.

Environmental Sciences (ES)
The analysis of existing conditions of the environment. Subcategories include: Air Pollution and Air Quality, Soil Contamination and Soil Quality, Water Pollution and Water Quality. For example, the study of contamination of the air by such things as noxious gases, elements, minerals, chemicals, solid and liquid matter (particulates), etc.

Fire Safety (FS)
For fire safety projects. Open to students in Grades 6-12 only. All projects involving fire must be monitored by an adult at all times. Requires additional Safety Form 1A. Grades K-5 may submit fire safety projects that address fire prevention. K-5 may not submit projects with fire.

Industrial Hygiene (INDH)
The study of environmental and occupational health science and safety. Includes safety in laboratories, OSHA and NIOSH standards, respirator fit testing, contamination, injuries in the workplace, handling hazardous materials, etc.

Materials Science (MATS)
The study of the integration of various materials forms in systems, devices, and components that rely on their unique and specific properties. It involves their synthesis and processing in the form of nanoparticles, nanofibers, and nanolayered structures, to coatings and laminates, to bulk monolithic, single-/poly-crystalline, glassy, soft/hard solid, composite, and cellular structures. It also involves measurements of various properties and characterization of the structure across length scales, in addition to multi-scale modeling and computations for process-structure and structure-property correlations. Biomaterials, Ceramic and Glasses, Composite Materials, Computation and Theory, Electronic, Optical, and Magnetic Materials, Nanomaterials, and Polymers are subcategories.

Mathematical Sciences (MATH)
The study of the measurement, properties, and relationships of quantities and sets, using numbers and symbols. The deductive study of numbers, geometry, and various abstract constructs, or structures. Subcategories include: Algebra, Analysis, Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Game Theory, Geometry and Topology, Number Theory, Probability and Statistics. For example, the study of the arithmetic properties of integers and related topics such as cryptography. The study of combinatorial structures in mathematics, such as finite sets, graphs, and games, often with a view toward classification and/or enumeration.

Medicine and Health Sciences (MEHS)
The science of diagnosing, treating, or preventing disease and other damage to the body or mind. Subcategories: Disease Diagnosis and Treatment, Epidemiology, Genetics. Any study that explores diagnosing, improving, and/or preserving health. For example: monitoring health aspects of persons enrolled in diet or body-building programs, checking for hearing or sight loss.

Microbiology (MCRO)
The study of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, prokaryotes, and simple eukaryotes as well as antimicrobial and antibiotic substances. For example: bacteria in milk, water or soil, growth rates, identity of organisms. Subcategories include Antimicrobial and Antibiotics, Applied Microbiology, Bacteriology, Environmental Microbiology, Microbial Genetics, and Virology. Be careful of pathogenic agents which require a protocol, safety forms and compliance.

Physics & Astronomy (PHYS)
Physics is the science of matter and energy and of interactions between the two. Astronomy is the study of anything in the universe beyond the Earth. Astronomy is the study of anything in the universe beyond the Earth. The study of atoms, simple molecules, electrons, light, and their interactions; the study of physical properties of light and lasers; the study of space, the universe as a whole, including its origins and evolution, the physical properties of objects in space and computational astronomy; the study of the physics of biological processes and systems; and the study of the properties of solids and liquids. Topics such as superconductivity, semi-conductors, complex fluids, and thin films are studied. Classical physics and mechanics, including the macroscopic study of forces, vibrations and flows; on solid, liquid and gaseous materials. Projects studying aerodynamics or hydrodynamics, Nuclear and Particle Physics, Theoretical, Computational, and Quantum Physics are also included.

Plant Sciences (PLNT)
Studies of plants and how they live, including structure, physiology, development, and classification. Includes plant cultivation, development, ecology, genetics and plant breeding, pathology, physiology, systematics and evolution.

Robotics and Intelligent Machines (ROBO)
Studies in which the use of machine intelligence is paramount to reducing the reliance on human intervention. Includes Biomechanics, Cognitive Systems, Control Theory, Machine Learning, and Robot Kinematics. For studies designed for artistic purpose please consider Technology Enhances the Arts (TECA).

Systems Software (SOFT)
The study or development of software, information processes or methodologies to demonstrate, analyze, or control a process/solution. This category includes projects on Algorithms, Cybersecurity, Databases, Human/Machine Interface, Languages and Operating Systems, Mobile Apps, and Online Learning. For studies designed for artistic purpose please consider Technology Enhances the Arts (TECA).

Technology Enhances the Arts (TECA)
The use of technology to ignite new concepts, visualization tools and/or media to enhance our enjoyment of the arts. This category includes projects on Display Technology, Human Information Exchange, Music and Image Manipulation, Games, 3D Modeling, and Engineering Effects.

Translational Medical Science (TMED)
Projects that aim to improve human health and longevity by translating novel discoveries in the biomedical sciences into effective activities and tools for clinical and public health use. Bi-directional in concept, projects can be those developed through basic research moving toward clinical testing (bench-to-bedside) or projects that provide feedback about the applications of new treatments and how they can be improved (beside-to-bench). This category includes projects on Disease Detection and Diagnosis, Disease Prevention, Disease Treatment and Therapies, Drug Identification and Testing, and Pre-Clinical Studies.